Food and feeding
The word for what we need is ‘discipline in feeding’, not ‘diet.’ When we use ‘diet’, the body feels warned and afraid, for diet is experienced as subtraction of food.
During periods of diet, the body lives in a state of frustration, and at the end of the diet always recovers the lost weight, or even more, to compensate. Dieting is necessarily followed by periods of binging, in a way that is vicious and harmful for the organism.
Instead, it's necessary to make a radical change in one’s life's habits, and above all one’s attitude toward one’s own body. The internal attitude is conditioned by one’s emotional and unconscious dimensions.
The recurrent motives for which one accumulates weight are:
the need to put a pad of protection between ourselves and others
the need to fill an emptiness that cannot be filled
an incomprehensible dissatisfaction
with food that is never enough, because it never can satisfy the emotional need
The causes belong to the personal history of every one of us (traumas, incomprehension, abuses, lack of love and respect, need of understanding, encouragement, etc.). Once the emotional blocks that these needs involve are eliminated, the body allows the excess fat to go, spontaneously grows thin, self-adjusts, without the need to undergo the self-punitive pressure of the diet (link. EFT)
Food suggestions …
Premised on all of this is the fundamental truth that a deeper consideration of our food intolerances, and correct doses of the proper and fit foods, is the basis of a healthy feeding.
To drink a lot away between meals, especially as part of a fast, is a washing that purifies and oxygenates the organs. (link. Cura dell'Acqua)
Begin meals with raw vegetables to reduce the absorption of fats and bad cholesterol.
Ingesting fruit, above all in the morning, contributes to the alkalization of the blood.
Food must be considered as a fuel …
begin in the morning and conclude the principal meals with half a lemon squeezed into a glass of warm water
eat 3 main meals a day, and don't stay more than 2/3 hours without having ingested something, for this becomes a stimulus for the function of the thyroid and metabolism that otherwise get lazy
in accordance with your schedules of activity, fruit is optimal in the morning, carbohydrates (easy to burn) and vegetables should be eaten in the daytime, proteins (as they ask for a longer digestion) and vegetables in the evening
vegetarian food rich in fiber, is advisable for a diminution of the toxins and a cellular rejuvenation
develop a preference for alkaline raw foods avoiding those that damage acidity