Conscious Mind
“The mind is the instrument by which you detect the inner world”
Thought generates word. Word generates action. Action generates behavior. Behavior generates habits. Habits generates character. Our character generates destiny. Destiny generates karma. Karma generates life. Choice is the instrument of conscious mind and free will is realized through choice.
In one of the sutras of Pratyabhijna Hridayam is written: "The supreme energy, coming down from the stadium of the universal Awareness, becomes the mind through the process of contraction".
That’s the reason why the mind yearn for something that goes over the contingent reality, for something much greater and more beautiful.
In Anastasia’s “The book of Kin” God says: "The reason for the desolation inside your houses is that I cannot do everything alone. Every thing, since the beginning, has been drawn by My dream in such way that I can create shine only in Union with you. It owes us to be co-operation among us. Inside of you there is love and free will and I am ready to follow your aspirations with My dream. I will be able to follow your collective wish".
Only when the mind calms down we can hear the wisdom of our heart, which is the only place where to rest, where we can create pure and great ideas to generate great things.
Each thoughts to which we choose to give life has the power to create a chain of effects, as the stone thrown in the water creates circles, that expand determining its movement.
The thoughts, as the circles of the water, create waves of vibrations that go to the cosmos, in the infinite.
It would come to say that we should be very careful to what we think and we should try our best to make the mind and the body so pure to create pure thoughts, because they determine, not only our life, but, also that one of the others.
Our thoughts create suffering or joy; we create and destroy our world. The world of a person is the product of its own mind. In the unconscious dimension we cannot choose, we are receptive-passive, even the body cannot do it. Both the unconscious and the body can condition through their state the choices of the mind.
Nothing happens without our secret desire.
If in the body or in the emotional dimension we are poisoned by impurity our mind is conditioned to create negative, disheartening, depressing thoughts, so, on the contrary, if in those dimensions we are purified, our mind can yearn for the high and from there can receive the inspiration to produce creative, brave, generous thoughts, with which to create great works in cooperation with God and realize all we want as the authors of our life.
It's when wish meets with desire, in that creative and magic spark, that we can realize the impossible, our life as we desire to be in our thoughts, words and actions. We have been created in such way to get all that we are capable to want and to desire. In every spiritual tradition ones honours God bending, placing the head below the heart. It's when the mind melt in the heart that becomes our best friend.
" The mind is actually an extension of the supreme Self. It is a form of the Self that turns toward the outer world, so that living beings can understand all things and speak of them as expressions of the Absolute and function in this world. When it turns inward, the mind is a vehicle to travel back to the supreme Self ”