Sexuality – Masculine/Feminine Dynamics
Giacinto Scelsi writes in his "Octologo":
“Between man and woman, union not conjunction”
In sexual energy, considered as the union of opposites, also inside us, the mystery of life is contained.
It’s the vital push that moves our creativity and the whole universe! For humans, it is the most elevated union, the tantric one, and it includes the involvement of all the dimensions of the being: mental, physical, unconscious, emotional and spiritual. It is in this male-female union that the sense of life and its realization is discovered.
Anastasia in “The book of Kin” explains what union between a man and woman means:
He: “"I Want to create the space of love for my Woman that mirrors the light of the universe"”
She: “I am ready to follow you and to co-operate forever with you”.
In alchemy, the masculine and female role is explained very well for how we have been created in nature. Female is receptiveness, passivity, water, moon, irrationality, unconscious, reception, understanding, analysis, psyche. Masculine is concrete, tangible, active, fire, sun, rationality, awareness, ethics, synthesis, seed, physics.
Elemire Zolla in ”Wonder of the Nature” writes:
“In the embrace is active the man, passive the woman, the man symbolizing what is warm, sacrificial, prodigal, the woman what is cold, avid: and the male is - on the subtle plan - dominated and will be seen in fact, in the game of the psychic tides, the weakness, the infirmity of the man to inspire strength and therefore wish of assistance to the woman…. Regarding the intellectual game among the sexes, the man's mind is a matrix-measurer corporeal, lunar, similar to a cold weaver, while the female mind is a fervent, fulminating, fertile, generous source of inspiration that offers the stamen to the man that only him, avid, prehensile, cold, contract as it is will know how to scheme”
The woman is holder of the psychic power with which transmits and teaches love. For this her nature realizes herself giving herself through feelings and emotions, interpreting the needs of the other and driving him in the surrender to love. As a river her flow of love has the tendency to incessantly flow. When the woman remains centred in this her power, living it in a full awareness, this trial is born spontaneous.
The man is holder of the physical power with which he transmits life through the seed. He realizes himself as guarantor of the material sphere. He needs to volunteer himself through concrete, tangible results. For his nature, he has the tendency to preserve, to contain and to protect. The man in the art of the sex, sphere in which he holds the reins, determines the quality of it, interpreting the needs of the other, driving her to the abandonment. When the man remains centered, he succeeds in braking his seminal flow that is given, to the opportune moment, for the completion of the sexual game.
Marcello Carosi said: “Man loves woman, woman loves love.”.
Man’s kingdom is in the circle of matter and that of woman is in the psyche; he is living in the prerogative of the thought-idea, and she in the body-mystery. From her mind, the woman infuses in man a message of love that he in turn interprets and transmutes in his body into sexual strength, giving it back to her in this form. This creates a circular tide between the two that vivifies and recharges, thus producing an union of joy, respect and love.
Reflecting on these mutual roles and on the male-female dynamics, it seems evident that everything has beginning in the female, understood as the psychic, mental forces that generates and holds love, which inspires her to interpret the psychic needs of the other and to direct and drive his realization with the words and the necessary actions. This is the role of woman; this is the power that doesn't any more transmit from mother to daughter, neither is it taught. This is her responsibility in the world, what the woman owes to the world : to recover. When the woman abdicates this female-maternal role, as often happens now in our times, the world loses love as a value and enters a deep crisis; it courts defeat. Love is not only the most elevated need, it is also a need fundamental and essential without which we live and produce in fear, anger, anxiety, depression and pain.
Of all types of possible relationships, certainly, the one between man-woman is the most powerful, the most difficult to manage, not only because it is the union of the contraries but because it engages with the primordial pulses. It touches the deeper unconscious dimensions, connecting us to the realities that we lived through in the first relationships of our life with our mother and father. The conflicts of those relationships, those unconscious behavioural schemes resurface and are inexorably projected on the partner if they are not elaborated and resolved deeply; the first step being becoming aware of them.
Without love, without a "woman-mother" that wisely preserves and transmits it, one lives in the fear of getting wounded and suffering, from which flows anger, discouragement and depression, and one lives one’s life with aggression and in torment and loneliness, as is often happening to our times.
“Behind every great man there is a great woman”
Man and woman think and desire in different ways. If their relationships with the other sex motivate suffering and discord rather than joy and satisfaction, these motivations should be elaborated upon.
For the woman the art to manage her power constitutes of learning to allocate herself: learning to figure out when and how much of herself to give and when to hold back, rather than becoming invasive and intrusive. Because of unconscious issues woman tend to extend themselves to give in excess, to give in unhealthy ways, to give at times when the other is not ready to receive; and she may have a problem in saying NO when necessary. These mechanisms make her self-destructive and self-injurious, make her unconsciously throw herself away; make her recriminate and rue how much she has given though it was never asked for; and to pretend to not recognize that it was never requested. The art is to know how to brake and stop such giving away of herself.
The same holds true for man, who, because of unconscious issues doesn't carry out his own protective role and the role of managing concrete facts; he is unable to hold back sexually; unconsciously throws himself away, wastes his energy, becomes destructive and self-injurious and experience guilt, and the feelings of failure and being undeserving.
Out of the fear of the woman and her spiritual power, man, as the history shows, has affirmed his supremacy through material power and through denying, relegating, oppressing, violating, subduing and enslaving the female.
Modern woman has reacted with anger and rebellion and expressed and affirmed parity but she has done this by comparing herself with him on the masculine ground and abdicating her role. She has addressed fear with fear, rather than with valuing herself and being fully aware of her own value. It’s now time for the woman to regain awareness of herself, and through it respect and devotion from the man by making him recognize that she is essential to his realization and happiness.
“Repression produces symbols”
Western modern culture has become estranged from spirituality; it looks for wellbeing on the outside, in material power. Religions have not been able to maintain a live and vibrating spiritual value inside human beings, instead spiritual teachings have been manipulated to become tools of plagiarism and repression. The first to be repressed is the body, and with it the soul, giving to sexuality - our most powerful tool to experiment with elevation to the divine - an opposite meaning of "sin", and exclusively relegating it to the conception. In a taller staircase, sexuality - here considered as creative energy and inherent spiritual knowledge - has been smothered and distorted in the culture, in the family, in the contemporary education of the societies.
I would add that repression produces "monsters" with sexual perversions and fat bodies. It’s easier to manage power that represses than power that gives freedom. But it needs to be free to teach freedom, and it doesn't need to be afraid of it. Spirituality is the dynamic female element: it has been called the Shakti in the Ancient Scriptures of India, the divine strength that gives life, that moves the things, that realizes the wish of Shiva, its vision, the thought.
“To direct yourself towards the infinite you must distinguish and then unite”