Unconscious Mind
The unconscious mind is receptive, passive, humble (from "humus", fertile ground), welcoming in itself the seeds and letting them bud. The unconscious is a deep well that has its roots in the irrational dimension, resides in the abdomen, the 2° chakra, the intuition, is the water from which the life has its origin and it is brought to the light by the conscious mind through the awareness, as the moon that is resplendent for light reflected from the sun. (link sexuality)
For unconscious mind I intend the reactive and dynamic dimension of the unconscious, that produces instinctual impulses with which it reacts to the external events. It speaks to us through dreams, symbols, signs.
The path of interpretation of dreams, symbols and signs is a path that brings light in the darkness of the unconscious.
Through the understanding of their contained meanings we bring to awareness the hidden mystery. The symbol has in itself endless aspects of the truth. Through symbol we have the possibility to reach its essence. The symbol transmits us its creative energy even if we don't fully understand it.
For unconscious I intend the container of all the impressions that we receive from the outside and of the reactions we have differently from each other.
The unconscious mind is not able to discern, choose or refuse, as doesn't have these tools that are proper of the conscious mind. Up to the age of 6 we exclusively live in an unconscious dimension, unaware, as the conscious begin to be formed after the age of 6
In fact in every culture, also in those very ancient, this is the age in which the scholastic studies began with the stimulation of the conscious, rational, intellectual learning.
Each child has an essential and exclusive need of love and respect. Any action toward himself from the adult, on which he totally depends, that doesn't spring from true respect and love, has lived with an emotional contraction and self destructive emotion. A child is not able to understand that the adult is acting wrong , but unconsciously, on the contrary, a sense of deficiency, of blame, of inadequacy goes off in himself making him experiment fear, loneliness, abandonment, disesteem, etc. These adult’s actions activates in him an unconscious devaluation of himself and senses of guilt that will strike again in all the relationships of his life until he won't succeed in decontrolling the emotional contractions of this unconscious emotional dimension caused by his (karmics) reactions to the events. (link EFT)
"So on high as in low"
How Christ has gone down in the Hades and has faced the Evil and defeated on Satan, before being able to go up again in the Heaven, equally each of us, human being, not to be dragged in the abysses of the pain, have to dare face it, going down in the unconscious, finding the mystery of it to bring in surface, in the awareness, where to dissolve it with the love, acceptance, forgiveness. If it is skipped to do this, the exhalations, that originate from the unconscious emotional blocks, will cause further pains in surface, producing further sufferings and illnesses, in that chain of the pain that is our duty and mission to break. It's the Evil that produces pain. It's the ego that feels pain.
It's fundamental to go down in the unconscious dimension, to bring there light to face the pain that is produced by the same evil, to pass it through and to win purifying it from the distorsions. The challenge, the antagonism is among the ego and the Self, between God and Satan. In every spiritual tradition is explained that the realization of the Self passes through the victory on the ego. The abode of the ego is the unconscious, there are the roots of the distorsions, it is from there that its attitudes that bring perversions, abuses, anger, overcoming, all of this that the church calls sin arrive in surface.
The root of the distorsion is in the unconscious and it is there that must be eradicated. It is not enough to resolve the interruption in the emotional energetic circuit caused by that root because the problem must be resolved awry if we don't want that has proposed again.
We ourselves are the authors of our life as we have the power to transform it with our personal effort through our free will, our awareness, our elaboration of ourselves.